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July 22
Town of Princeton, Mass.   ---          July 22, 2015

PLANNING BOARD  – Minutes  -- Regular Meeting

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Present were:
Richard Bisk, Tom Sullivan, John Mirick, Rud Mason & Ann Neuburg as alternate.

Charlie Wyman and Deb Cary were in for Mass Audubon and Deb explained the history of the town’s Open Space Plan. They reported ona  preservation plan for Smith Farm with 300 acres on both sides of Hubbardston Road. Both Tom S. John M. are on the Princeton Land Trust, and will have to recuse themselves on any votes concerning the site. They both recused and left their seats at the front table.
Fieldstone Farm reflects goals in the O.S. plan and holds a lot of value and now it’s time to act, Deb noted. The PLT is coordinating an effort with Mass. Audubon to enter into an option-to-buy for one year, with a just over $3 million target price.  Funds might come from other entities interested in preservation of this site, including DCR, Worcester Water Dept. and a LAND grant which requires $650,000 up front from the town which gets reimbursed up to about $400,000.
They group intends to find creative ways to develop house lots which can be sold to help fund the preservation project. Wyman reported that about 25 house lots could be created off current road frontage on Hubbardston Road and Calamint Hill Road, although they would be subject to Section XIV or XV or XVI in the town’s zoning.
Steve and Lauren Stimson were in along with Larry Greene, Jr. as landscape architects discussing other communities’ models, such as Martha’s Vineyard and North Andover among others. Some examples involved ‘co-housing, elderly and assisted living and designs using a Shaker village as an architectural model. The goal is to site housing that fits into a landscape without detracting from a preservation plan.
Rud M. pointed out that house lots were not selling in Princeton, so crafting a plan and a grant application that depended on lot sales would be risky. The Stimsons stated that success depended on finding a ‘sensitive’ developer and promoting it as a ‘landmark’ project.
The group asked for a delegate from the Planning Board to serve on their ‘steering committee’—the Fieldstone Farm Working Group, and Tom D. agreed to do it.
9 PM  John M. and Tom S. rejoined the PB at the front table. Board decided to postpone discussion on “Adult Entertainment” zoning to next meeting.

Administrative Business
Board voted all in favor to approve June 24, 2015  regular meeting minutes; the chairman reviewed mail. Members shared contact info and Marie will develop list of phone numbers etc. and distribute to everyone. Next meeting is Aug. 26.
A letter from CMRPC was considered, asking Selectmen for delegate names. As Planning Board already has delegated Tom D. and Rich B. (alternate) the request was confusing. Marie will contact CMRPC to clarify.

9:10 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:   Fieldstone Farm plans; notice from CMRPC concerning delegate from Princeton

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department